Thanks to an anonymous person who provided some summaries of the information in the recent Tenchi Ban 13.08 doujinshi, I was able to add this information into the War on Geminar FAQ section of this site. Interesting stuff to be sure. I’m hoping that we get similar information for the next doujinshi, coming out at the Winter 2013 Comiket.

Thanks for the update!
YW (and sorry for being late).
I just love your work here, way back when I started with TM OVA1, I began wondering if there is more. For in my home country nothing more than ova1+2 and the first movie had been released. Your site helped me to get all needed Information and that has been way back a few years.
Keep up the work, I love coming to this site!
パラダイスウォー2 11/01
( )
A very late “thanks” (and sorry for the delay). ^_^;;;;